Portland Magazine

In partnership with University of Portland, I’ve designed and art directed the thrice-annual publication, Portland, since late 2018. As much literary and socially-oriented as it is an alumni piece, the beloved magazine connects recipients to thoughtful and challenging ideas, meditative reflections and spiritually engaging features.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Check out highlights from each issue.


Oregon Humanities Magazine

How’s this for a mission statement? β€œOregon Humanities connects people and communities through conversation, storytelling, and participatory programs to inspire understanding and collaborative change.” Since the summer of 2021, I’ve designed and art directed this triannual magazine, which celebrates voices and perspectives from across Oregon through stories, poems and artwork. Each issue centers on a theme, and much of the content is submitted through open calls throughout the year.

Click to view highlights from each issue. πŸ‘ˆπŸ»